
A wise person once said, “there can be no new beginnings without an ending”. I am writing this post on the morning of my last day of clinic as a Primary Care Physician. This is a role I have enjoyed for the past 37 years. It has also formed much of my identity. I must say that stepping away from this is daunting. I know that I am not alone in this kind of transition. I suspect we all go through something similar at one point or another in our lives. William Bridges writes about this in his book, Transitions. Bridges advises us to honor and grieve what has passed, to move forward to our next chapter. He also warns that we must lean into the “messy middle”, that time between the end of our past life and the true launch of what’s next.

I preempted my new life by starting my Coaching and Consulting Practice over 3 years ago. Now I am leaning into the discomfort and excitement of what is new and being new at it. What transitions might you be facing? How could you be more intentional about this next phase of life? What fears will you need to address and what about your future excites you most? It is comforting to know that our own reinvention is art of our own creation, and the possibilities are nearly endless. If you would like a companion to walk alongside you on your journey, let me know. I would be happy to join you.


Spring in Bloom


Play “Small Ball”